
Shingles is a type of skin rash. One of the most distinctive symptoms of shingles, which helps to identify the disease, is that the rash typically appears only on one side of the face or the body. In medical terms it is called herpes zoster. The risk of developing the symptoms of this condition increases with age. Taking the shingles vaccine reduces the likelihood that you will develop this condition.

Call Trinity Medical Group today to discuss the schedule for getting the shingles vaccine. It is recommended to get this vaccine at least once every five years, especially if you are 60 years of age and over.

Risk Factors For Getting Shingles

It is estimated that almost one of three people in the US will develop this painful skin rash in their lifetime. Chickenpox and shingles are caused by the same virus.

In the majority of cases, a person will get shingles rash only once in their lifetime. Very, very few people get the rash more than once.

There are a few risk factors that increase the likelihood of a person developing shingles symptoms.

These risk factors include:

•    Any individual who has recovered from chickenpox at any age.
•    While children too are susceptible to developing the symptoms, the risk is higher with age. Older people are more likely to get the skin rash.
•    Any individual with a compromised immune system is also at risk. This could include people who are suffering from HIV or those who are suffering from certain types of cancer such as lymphoma or leukemia. Organ transplant or bone marrow recipients are also at higher risk.

Recommendations For Getting Shingles Vaccine

Doctors recommend that everyone over 60 years of age or older should get shingles vaccine in order to protect themselves from getting this rash. This is whether or not you have had chicken pox at a younger age. Because the same virus causes both chicken pox and shingles, getting shingles vaccine helps to keep future episodes of both conditions at bay.

There is no maximum age for getting the vaccine and you do not have to wait any specific period of time after an episode to get vaccinated. When deciding whether to get the vaccine and when, is the best time for you to take it, it is advisable to consult with your doctor. However, one of the precautionary measures that are recommended is to get the vaccine only after the rash on the skin has completely disappeared.

The effect of the shingles vaccine lasts for about five years. If you are over 60 years of age, the protective benefits of the vaccine are reduced within five years so it is important to meet with the doctor and discuss the recommended schedule as there tends to be more complications after the age of 60.