
Losing Weight Through Physician Assisted Weight Loss Programs

A rise in the obesity rates around the country has led to an increasing number of people who opt for physician assisted weight loss. These programs make use of various services offered by physicians, dieticians, nurse practitioners and other medical professionals which help patients shed the extra pounds. The programs usually combine different diets, exercise routines, meal plans and medicines in order to help the patients achieve quick weight loss.

The Diet and Exercise

Dieting sounds very simple in theory but it can be very difficult for your body to accept the change in calories that you consume. Not only does the body often react to a change in diet but it could also affect your mind and your behavior. However, technology has come a long way and simple mobile apps are often used to keep a track on your calorie intake and motivate you to stick to your diet. These apps also usually allow you to track your exercise and physical activity. Exercise is an important part of losing weight because it is usually impossible for your body to get rid of the extra fat without the right combination of a good diet and enough exercise.

Diets and exercise are the most common and effective tools that form an assisted weight loss plan. Through lifestyle changes, many obese people are able to shed a number of pounds within a few months by simply sticking to the program and consciously eating healthy.

Weight Loss Medications

Medical weight loss is usually taken only as a last-resort measure. Most programs concentrate on a good diet and exercise so that the person loses weight by adapting a healthy way of living. However, if the weight is uncontrollable or if the patient has not managed to achieve any positive results even after going through the program, qualified weight loss doctors may recommend certain medication. These medicines should only be taken according to the prescription that is given under complete supervision.

At Trinity Medical Group, we use the latest technology and highly skilled staff in order to give you the best primary care treatment possible. Preventive methods and intervention techniques are used to keep patients healthy. Call Trinity Medical Group to schedule your appointment today.