
Exercise is proven to be beneficial at any age; however, seniors have the most to gain from increasing their level of physical activity. By incorporating movement into your regular routine, you will see great improvement in balance, range of motion, bone density, and mental clarity. The benefits to a healthy, active lifestyle are numerous, and your level of intensity can be tailored to your personal abilities. While some seniors are concerned about sustaining an injury or overexerting themselves, it’s important to note that remaining sedentary is much riskier.

Senior Exercise Benefit #1: Avoid Broken Bones

Falls are a leading cause of injury among the population of seniors, and broken bones are often a result of the incident. Low-impact, weight-bearing senior exercise is proven to keep bones strong while avoiding injury that can result from high impact workouts. Hop on an elliptical, go for a walk, or enroll in a low-impact aerobics class to maintain bone density and prevent falls.

Senior Exercise Benefit #2: Maintain Flexibility & Improve Balance

Another proactive solution for preventing a fall is to improve your balance. In addition to losing bone density with age, your sense of balance is affected by a loss of vision, touch, and perception. Senior exercise regimens that include core-strengthening workouts, yoga, and tai chi help seniors avoid losing their balance, or to catch themselves if they do start to fall.

Senior Exercise Benefit #3: Improve Your Mood

In addition to the obvious health benefits gained by staying active, exercise can help improve your mood and manage stress. Exercise releases endorphins into the body, which are proven to relieve pain, reduce stress, improve sleep, and help prevent anxiety and depression. Plus, by working exercise into your weekly schedule, you will have the opportunity to socialize with others and create a network of friends to hold you accountable.tai chi help seniors avoid losing their balance, or to catch themselves if they do start to fall.

Senior Exercise Benefit #4: Delay Disease

A sedentary lifestyle is proven to be dangerous for anyone, regardless of age, and seniors tend to be at a greater risk for remaining immobile. Those who exercise have a lowered risk of chronic illnesses, including heart disease, osteoporosis, obesity, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and some cancers. Seniors also benefit from regular movement by having better blood pressure and an improved immune response to illness.

As you age, it’s imperative to note that regular exercise is more important than ever. It’s never too late to start incorporating fitness into your routine, and you are likely to experience substantial mental and physical improvements after implementing an exercise regimen. Remember to always consult your physician before beginning an exercise plan. Contact your primary care provider to request an appointment today!