
Weight Management

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Obesity is now the #1 cause of medical morbidity and mortality. A large percentage of the American population is either obese or leaning towards obesity. Inactivity and imbalanced diets are the biggest culprits.

Whether or not a patient is obese, leaning towards obesity, or just ready to get down to a more manageable weight, weight management is something that can be started immediately. Lifestyle changes such as behavior modification, dietary changes, and daily exercise can go a long way to kickstart the process.

Physician-assisted weight loss is one of the most effective methods of losing weight and keeping it off. Trinity Medical Group has excellent methods that can help in weight reduction and reduce obesity. Our highly experienced nutritionists and physicians can help you reduce weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Being fit has to become a habit and sometimes professional help can go a long way in helping you achieve that.


At Trinity Medical Group, we know that it takes more than good intentions to shed the pound and we believe that it takes more than drugs if the weight is going to stay off. While many P.A. Weight Loss programs push drugs for a quick fix, we believe in walking you through a plan that you can live with even after your weight-loss goal has been achieved.

First, we measure your daily calorie consumption by measuring your oxygen consumption through spirometry (pulmonary function testing). With that number, the daily average of calories burned helps us identify a diet with fewer calories than you burn that still contains the nutrition you need. From there, we tailor a plan for you that includes a specified diet, exercise possibilities, and routine checkups to help keep you motivated and accountable.

At Trinity, we know that “quick fixes” have proven to introduce as many problems as they “fix”. While gastric bypass surgery is sometimes necessary in extreme cases, it is generally an unhealthy solution because it prevents the body from absorbing necessary nutrients well. Likewise, many weight-loss pills prevent nutrient absorption and introduce other health complications. In general, whenever a patient depends on temporary drugs or surgery to take the pounds off, instead of a lifestyle change, then the weight loss is reversed as soon as the treatment ends.

At Trinity, we’re interested in solutions that last—ones that fit the way the body naturally gains and loses weight, ones that promote healthy habits to keep a continually healthy body. We know that changing your life is hard, but we’re ready to walk with you through it, every step of the way.